Program Advisory Panel

The PHP Program Advisory Panel meets twice a year to provide advice to the medical director regarding the program performance and direction. The panel reviews and provides guidance on objectives and policies and ensures an ongoing good working relationship between the regulatory colleges and the professional associations in supporting the work of the PHP.

Chair, Program Advisory Panel — PENDING


Membership of the advisory panel

The panel will be composed of 13 members as follows:

  • Four physicians from the following specialties: addiction medicine, psychiatry and primary care mental health
  •  Three physicians from other areas of practice based on PHP priorities
  • One allied health professional (who serves physicians via referral from the PHP)
  • Two medical learners (medical student/resident/fellow)
  • One medical school faculty representative
  • One representative appointed by the Canadian Medical Protective Association (CMPA)
  • One representative appointed by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO)  

Observers include:

  • PHP staff
  • One representative appointed by the OMA Board of Directors
  • One PHP medical director emeritus
  • One staff member from the Ontario Medical Students Association (OMSA)
  • One staff member from the Professional Association of Residents of Ontario (PARO)

OMA staff supporting the panel 

  • Dr. Jon Novick, medical director
  • Laura Mattila, executive director