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July 5, 2024

Just Take One

We are asking our psychiatry, GP psychotherapy and addiction medicine communities to step forward and “just take one” referral of a physician or a medical learner who has reached out for assistance

The PHP provides an important service to physicians, residents and medical learners, as well as their family members, connecting them to a variety of support resources. These include psychiatrists, GP psychotherapists, addiction medicine physicians and non-OHIP billed clinicians such as psychologists, social workers, registered psychotherapists and coaches. 

Increased pressures on all Ontarians and their physicians brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic saw a rise in demand for PHP services. Requests for support were up 30 per cent in 2023 compared to the previous three years. In particular, there was an increase in calls for many different resources.  

As in-person engagement returns, we aim to attract psychiatry, GP psychotherapy, and addiction medicine practitioners, like you, who can provide both in person and virtual services. By taking on a fellow physician or medical learner in your practice, you’re supporting your peers, while nurturing your own joy for medicine and engagement with the health-care community. 

Indeed, the PHP has a rich database of resources, but with more physicians reaching out for help, additional support is needed.  

Thank you for considering participating in the PHP Just Take One program.

Step forward and Just Take One

We are asking our psychiatry, GP psychotherapy and addiction medicine communities to  “just take one” physician, resident or learner as a referral to help the PHP connect callers with the right support resources in their communities. These referrals will assist our clinical intake staff in expediting connections between our participants and practitioners.  

To participate in the PHP Just Take One program, please complete the form and a member of our resource management team will contact you. 
Bring your questions to the PHP by calling 1-800-851-6606.

Complete the form

Frequently asked questions

Psychiatrists, GP psychotherapists, addiction medicine physicians.

Once you submit your name, a PHP clinical team member will reach out to connect with you. This would be to answer any questions you might have, to determine any particular clinical interests and the best way to connect a referral to you.

A PHP clinical coordinator (CC) will contact you by email or phone and will let you know about the referral (no PHI) and will ask if you can take a referral. If you answer “yes”, the CC will then give the physician your information and encourage them to contact you directly, identifying themselves as having been referred by the PHP. If you need a referral from a family doctor, we can help with the person’s consent.

Just let us know and we will refer to another practitioner.

Compensation for accepting a PHP referral will be through standard billing codes for the specific care provided. The PHP does not cover the costs of uninsured services and payment would be the physician-patient’s responsibility. Fortunately, many physicians have some form of private insurance coverage for psychotherapy services. Learn more about OMA Insurance offers.


Please do not hesitate to refer the physician-patient back to the PHP. We are happy to assist with identifying and connecting to additional services that you have suggested.

You can contact the PHP directly for any questions you might have at 1-800-851-6606 or

Contact us

Email if you would like more information. Please note any information you provide is kept confidentially within the PHP and will not be shared with any other third party.